As the title says, I am going to create several tutorials, with enough detail along the videos for people going from scratch into gamedev (zero knowledge) in about dozen videos, to advanced tutorials with challenging tech inside Unreal and Gamedev. Up to those categories everything will be made with blueprints and assets created inside the tutorials which will be given in the end of the video when its the case, with the assets made outside Unreal aswel. There will be also even more advanced tutorials, covering C++ into several subjects, moving to plugin creation and ending with shaders (inside plugins) creation.
So, there will be material for every audience. I already started the recording sections (modest, I am not a pro on this), which I will make public as soon I have some quantity in spare, just in case something in real life comes that might cause a disruption in the recordings, then people will still have material already uploaded to see with a single click here. I do this with care and respect for the community, hopefully diminishing the gap in knowledge and the difficulty people find in digging into documentation.
It will not be focused on a genre, but on foundation regarding gamedev (explaining from the ground things like textures, meshes, UV, Normals, etc), some modeling, texturing and importing into Unreal, starting with simple things like navigating in the editor, understanding each type of asset, how to produce them, how to use the internal elements already inside engine, how to modify them, blueprints and materials. I think the point of them is that they won’t be assuming the person knows the basis and each tutorial I will increase the explanations gradually until it is reached the most depth about the subject possible.
It is like a course, but in tutorial format, but the kind of format I think it should be the way to go: teaching the concepts, demonstrating them, instead of being a session on placing stuff for the person just copy and know nothing about why that piece is there. Sounds good?