Tutorial: Using Web APIs like Google Maps API from Unreal Engine (BP Only)

With the release of the 3D Tiles from the Google Maps Platform in Cesium for Unreal, anybody can have access to worldwide photogrammetry assets on covered locations. It’s wonderful because you can now drive or fly anywhere in the world with the photorealism that provides Unreal Engine. But a Digital twin is more than a soup of 3D polygons. It has to provide semantic data upon request.

So we wanted to experiment with the other APIs provided by Google to see how one could add services on top of this 3D visualization.



It’s an exciting feature! Google Earth can be shown in UE.
The performance of 3dtiles from the Google Maps Platform is not very good now, maybe it is caused by the very large amount of tiles in each frame.

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I really needed this. Very helpful tutorial

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Thanks for the tutorial, it’s been a great guide! I’m relatively new to Unreal Engine’s UI system, so I found the section on setting up the UI a bit confusing. Would it be possible for you to share the widget blueprints so that I can look at how everything is configured?

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Well, I would love to share them, but they are depending on one of my internal plugins that I can’t share. And I don’t have the bandwidth to remove all the dependencies.

But this Tutorial was not aimed at teaching the UI system. if you’re a beginner in this field, I would recommend going through other UI tutorial first, and them come back to this one.

The only complicated part IIRC was the List View. But some people have produced good explanations like this one : Quick-Start guide to List View widget

I hope you understand.

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Hi Albert thanks for getting back and filling me in on the context.
That’s definitely understandable.
I appreciate the link to the list view instructional too.
Also out of interest what is the plugin? If it’s a paid plugin we may be able to also get it, if it’s helpful for setting up ui like this in the future :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, this plugin is an personal Epic-internal one, that I use when creating my demos. It contains stuff that can’t be shared outside.

Sorry about that.

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No worries, appreciate the guidance and that link you sent through has been helpful too.
We’ve been reconstructing it and learning as we go.

One question, for your BP_MarkerManager Actor, the screen shot references a RemoveAllMarkers and UpdateWidgetProperties function. Could you explain a bit more about how these work?

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Could the concept from this tutorial be used with other google APIs like the Google Books API? I am thinking so, but seeing the custom functions related specific to the google maps API, I figured it’s worth asking if it’s translatable, or if there is another tutorial you’d recommend? I’d like to make a personal project that uses Google Books API in unreal engine without the need for extra c++ if possible.

Yes, this tutorial explain the concept of using external REST APIs with Unreal. It can be adapted to any other web service, Google Books or another…

The thing is that what you need to do when receiving the answer from the server.
I don’t know Google Books API, but after a quick look, the API enables to query for any book metadata, so it’s very similar to this example.
But if you want to display a book content, you might need some specific viewer, so the UE WebBrowser widget may help.