[TUTORIAL] Smash Bros-style multiplayer camera system (blueprints)

Well, it looks like you’ve set everything up correctly. You can probably remove the Scene component on the left box there, since it doesn’t really have a purpose. Can you add a Print node that will print your focus and check to see how that changes when the jump happens? try the same with the Target Arm Length and let me know what happens.

I removed the scene component. Still got the weird bug. When printing the arm it always says:"CameraFocus_C_0.SpringArm even when the camera jumps, so there seems not to be a problem. But when printing the Focus variable I have seen that whenever the bug apperas there seems to be a jump in the Y-coordinate. I’m not sure how to interprete that. I made another video printing the coordinates.

I hope this helps

Okay, so the video confirms that the camera is moving as it’s supposed to. X doesn’t change so the camera is locked in one plane with it’s location determined by the Y and Z coordinates. That means it must be the zoom that’s glitching out. Try printing the green (float) output of the Set TargetArmLength node at the end of the graph and let me know how that changes.

It seems like its working as it supposed, doesn’t it?

I don’t know, but the camera seems to get some strange input to zoom in…maybe I have set up something wrong…a little but important detail…but I cannot figure it out :frowning:

Edit: I have started the game several times in viewport and stopped it when the bug occured and ejected. The camera always zoomed in at one of the mannequins which is stiff. Maybe the problem is that I just duplicated the Player Bp ? Maybe the camerea cannot recognize sometimes which mannequin recieved the input and zoomes in to the wrong mannequin?

So the really strange thing is that from the numbers you’ve printed it looks like the camera is moving and zooming exactly how it’s supposed to. I was rewatching your original videos and I think I’ve at least figured something out: It looks like the glitch happens right when one of the other characters is in the exact center of the viewport. Why it does this, I have no idea. Did you edit the character blueprint to remove the default camera and camera arm?

Yes I removed the camera and the camera arm of the default character bp.

Yes I have tried it several times. The glitch occurres when the player is moving right in the middle of the viewport…still don’t know why :confused:

Edit: The glitch only occures when the player is ideling in the middle of the viewport. When I jump in the middle the camera goes back to normal. When I land again the camera goes crazy again, too.
Further investigations show that when the glitch happens the CameraFocusBP which I dropped in the level snaps directly to the character and when I jump or move the Bp goes back to normal distance.
Why it happens still confuses me and I found out that the glitch happens when the player is not in the middle, too, but I’m not sure which are the conditions for the glitch. Well it is late and I’m going to bed…maybe we will find a solution tomorrow

Got it, I’ll keep looking into the issue. Thanks for your cooperation!

Any idea when that auto-detect camera’ll be done? :wink:

Just updated! :smiley:

Awesome! I didn’t know you could use isValid like that, thanks.

Hrm… I’m facing the exact same issue that is facing. Whenever any of the players move towards the center of the viewport, the camera glitches out. Please look into this, I’ve been trying to do fix it but can’t >.<

I feel sorry four you, but I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem :smiley:

I’m still working on fixing that glitch but I haven’t been able to reproduce it yet. Would one of you be able to upload the project files so I can play around with it? I would only need the 3 files in this image:


If you could put them in a Dropbox folder and share the link that would be perfect. Thanks!

Thank you for your engagement in helping us. I really appreciate it. I’ll upload the project in Dropbox and pm you when it is done.

@ I sent you the link.

By jove, I’ve done it. Thanks for the file , that helped immensely. It looks like the whole matter was solved by unchecking a single box: the Do Collision Test box for the camera’s Spring Arm, as shown in the image below.


And as far as I can tell, that should do it. Also, for , if you go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Maps & Modes and uncheck the Use Splitscreen box you should be able to use the spawning feature instead of populating the characters yourself.

And both of you, thanks again for all your help! I’m glad we could get this hammered out. :slight_smile:

Ha that little Checkbox caused all the matter. I have tested it myself now. Everything works as it is suposed to do. Thank you for that great working multiplayer camera system.

That fixed it!! Thanks!

Happy to help! :slight_smile: