Tutorial Requests - Key pad and Key cards

Hi, I would like to request a couple of video tutorials if anyone feels like putting them together.

  1. Key pad entry - i.e. keypad next to door, enter correct 4 digit code, door opens.

  2. Key card - i.e. player picks up key card (or key) to unlock specific door. No key card, no door unlock. Key card picked up, door unlocks.

Thanks :slight_smile:

“Female game developers rock!”

I would be interested in creating this.

Quick question before I do. For the Key Pad entry, did you want players to interface with the buttons, or did you want to see an interface come up where you can type in the 4 digits?

I personally would want to see how to do both.

If you only had time for one then the interface come up where they can type in the 4 digits would be awesome :slight_smile:


“Female game developers rock!”

Gamer3000, I’ve added this to my tutorial queue. I’ll get to this soon and keep you updated.

Thanks :slight_smile:

“Female game developers rock!”

Hey! I made those systems!

Part 1:

Part 2:

In the description of the videos are the download links for the systems.