Tutorial: Populating Meshes Along a Spline with Blueprints

In this tutorial from an Unreal Engine Tips and Tricks video, we’ll describe methods for quickly populating a lot of meshes along a spline in a performant way. The transcript follows with images excerpted from the video.


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this is good tutorial on create mesh along spline, want to learn this for so long

Good evening,

First thanks for tutorial it helped me a ton with placing large amounts of objects.

I have a question to this tutorial:

Instead of having only a specific race track where the player can drive, I have a ground where the street is placed on top, where I use the given blueprint to spawn cones to mark the boundaries for the track.
To make it more believable I would like them to have physics. For example, if the player’s car drives into them they get flung away (so they need gravity, physical interaction and mass).

I managed to do this for an instanced object of the given mesh, but not the ones from the blueprint.
How would I need to modify it to achieve this?

I have not tried a “swap” implementation on this Spline BP myself, but in theory you could try to hide & disable collision on the SplineBP Mesh Instance(s) hit, then spawn the Actors with physics etc at the location of each hidden SplineBP Mesh Instance & apply appropriate impulse!