Tutorial: OCIO & 3D LUTs - Applying 3D Color Grading LUTs when using OCIO

OpenColorIO (OCIO) color profiles can be used to transform the color space of any Texture or Composure Element directly within the Unreal Engine. This can help you keep the colors of your video and computer generated elements consistent from initial capture, through compositing, to final output.

Depending on the version of Unreal you are using, this plugin option should be on automatically.

We will be exploring OCIO usage as well as how to create a 3D LUT.



Hello, I’ve been trying to use OCIO volume LUTS
I used your default 1089x33 LUT
Imported it as .exr
Made material just like in the tutorial
But I am getting… Im guessing, anti aliasing artifacts
They are more noticable on smaller resolution
I tried all AA methods available, Im getting similar results on all of them

For anyone else having the same issue - if you set volume texture to no mipmaps edges go back to normal

I get an error in the material editor and i cant get the LUT to display, i assume its because of this?
Im on UE 5.3.2

SceneTexture has to be set to Post process

This should solve your issue… I hope :0

Wow thanks for this, I was banging my head off the wall trying to understand why the LUT wasn’t working with OCIO.

After creating my LUT and hooking it up correctly it works but I’ m get strange result’s. Extreme banding around source lights. Any idea as to what the cause is? either I’ve not created my LUT correctly or wrong color space in my OCIO.
Dune_v002_RGBTable1089x33.exr (211.4 KB)
Custom LUT

Many Thanks for any feedback on this issue


Solved my own issue but changing the Config:

Is it possible to blend between LUTs with this method? I’ve enabled Time Blending on both of my PPVs and adjusted the blend time. I’ve set vignette density to 1 as a sanity check, and that setting seems to blend, but the LUT material seems to be ignored in the volume I’m trying to blend into.