Tutorial: Mutable: Create Objects with Multiple Components

Tutorial that dhows how to create objects with multiple components.


Does anyone know how to get animations to work on characters with multiple sections? I can only get them to work on individual sections, not the character as a whole.

Also how do you create group that references an external CO? I can seem them used in the sample project, but can’t for the life of me work out how to actually create the node. I can never get the external object section to be visible in the details. And that section is read only in the sample project, so the nodes must be factoried in some fashion???

Ok, nutted the external group out. You don’t reference the external group from the higher group in the hierarchy. You push up from the sub CO via it’s output node.

Have you set the leader pose on construct?

For external CO you have to set the compile options of the external CO. Scroll down to Mesh Compile Type Option and opt in for ‘Add working set and children’. Then add your main character CO in the array below. Then you can attach the external CO to you main character CO in Base Object, Node Properties of your external one. Make sure you have prepared an object group in your main character.