Tutorial: Modular Control Rig - Rigging with Modules

Learn how to rig a character using Modular Control Rig.

This is an intro to the Modular Control Rig editor and will show you the basics of building a character animation rig that will be ready for animating in Sequencer.



Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to create a control rig on a modular character with separated meshes?

Where do we find the SKM_Bot?

Look man, UE5 has a big problem and it’s that the amount of new features is gigantic and learning how to work w the engine before new features pour in is completely impossible. Now, there are few people who know how to work with e.g. control rigs, but if they can’t be pedagogical then all that effort is ■■■■■■ out in the wind. U start the tutorial like everyone knows tf u talking about! Words matter, taking it slow matters. We ain’t all ue devs employed by Epic. Personally I really think you have done a ■■■■ poor job at it because you just say “make a new bla bla” and don’t actually use the right names nor explain were to find it. This won’t help the community only checks off something off ur to-do list.

This is amazing; thank you! Rigging in UE has become the new frontier, and I’m super excited about what’s to come.

I may have run into a bug. This is probably caught already –
When mirroring a parent module (shoulder) with children (i.e. shoulder → arm → fingers), only the shoulder gets mirrored. I haven’t found a good way to mirror the child modules.