I am trying to get though the tutorial, [something that seems super simple][1]:
I’m supposed to this in my “firstPersonCharacter” blueprint:
But l already have a “event begin play” that is used, and it seems I can’t have 2:
Is the tutorial outdated ?
its not outdated, well not from what youve shown here. your just working with a project that already has some code in it which isnt a problem at all. all you need to do is insert a sequence node just after the begin play event. a sequence node basically splits the script so you can add more things. you should be able to hold the S key and click the event graph to create a sequence node, then drag off the event begin play and connect to the pin on the left side of the sequence node, then connect the top pin on the right of the sequence to the branch and the pin below the top one to your new create widget node.