Tutorial: Import Customization with Interchange

Learn how to customize and extend data import in the editor using Interchange Pipeline.
A demo project is provided to illustrate pipelines type as well as different operations.


I was a bit surprised, looking at the Custom Folder Management plugin in Python that it uses UInterchangeBaseNodeContainer::GetNode(). The C++ equivalent returns a const node, therefore impossible to use SetCustomSubPath on each Cast’ed node (texture, material, etc). Is that an error and should it be changed to non-const ?


use the “GetFactoryNode” function instead.

Actually, you have two different functions:

  • GetNode() will give you all type of nodes: the translated nodes that are created by the translators and are containers you cannot edit, and the factory nodes that are the one created through pipelines, based on the translated nodes, and that you can actually edit.
  • GetFactoryNode(): only return the factory nodes, the one you actually want to edit.
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