Hey guys, I’m thinking about doing some video tutorials on stuff in ue4. I can do both c++ and Blueprints + most of the editor’s features. Anybody got ideas for stuff I can do tutorials on?
Hey Tfrom222; I would like to see more tutorials on advanced AI, UMG & HUD. Tutorials in blueprint if possible.
That’s cool , I hope to see tutorial on Like
1-How make character Peek Left Peek Right.
2-How we can use structure ( Sound Cue ) and linked to UMG with child.
3- How we can Control hand player ( Flashlight ).
I’ll love to see a facebook API integration tutorial with the onlinesubsystem the engine already has!
How about something pretty advanced yet highly needed.
Match Making without steam!
I.e. Say I have a manu screen with 4 map icons that you can click. You click one and it starts finding and connecting you to a server with that map and a certain amount of players. I’d assume this would use filters to achieve this.
Hi, how about,
- a complete advanced based TPS FPS ragdoll style shooter, so ease in/out crouch with no clipping. a sprint, with stamina, wall jump,walk,climb, floor slide, on sprint.
weapons of variety, missile, lock, shotgun spread, fire with fire retardation[fire spread] on objects.things like that.I have an exhaustive list if you like
2)A cover based system, from what i am told this is a huge topic, if you are willing, id even pay for that.
3)A fighting template, even as the original “street fighter” style or things like “Final Fight” so combination melee.
4)A racing template with traffic and chase car.
Thank you in advance if you decide to do any of these!
I’d go for blueprinting gamemodes like (team) deathmatch, race using checkpoints, capture the flag etc.
Fighting game template like Street Fighter/Tekken/Dead or Alive.
I’d like to see a good game development tutorial from beginning to end. Most tutorials just focus on individual or small sets of features, but it would be nice to see how an entire project is done from scratch to finish. Even if it’s just a simple game.
Edit: Also, make sure you fully explain everything you are doing, and why. Even if you make a mistake, don’t just fix it and move on. Explain why it doesn’t work, how to fix it correctly, and then move to the next topic.
If you’re still taking ideas I would like to see wall-slide to wall jump for a platformer.
Wall Climb and Run
Having a widget when clicked switch to another level
I would like some tutorials covering animation and object interaction.
Blueprint> IK foot placement tutorial with all steps and explanation of nodes
Blueprint> Edge grabbing/climbing tutorial covering the basics, with maybe a overview of ray path vs collision pros and cons for detection of edges.
Blueprint> spider walking on wall and ceiling
this would make me very happy
i would say something like this :
I’d like to see a tutorial (blueprint) on how to replicate the building system used in the game RoboCraft. I think the idea has many useful applications in other building/construction type environments.