Tutorial: How to upload your Binaries using Build Patch tool

Check this video to have a quick overview on how to upload Binaries to your product on Epic Games Store using the Build Patch Tool.


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where i should open the builspatchtool, because it is not opening normally

Hello, the Build Patch tool is a command line tool.
You need to launch it using a command prompt, please check on internet how to open such prompt.
For the command line instructions, please check the video tutorial above where I explain every argument and how to filled them.

Hello, how do we open the section at minute 02:13 in the video? Also “BuildPatchTool” opens and closes in “Engine\Binaries\Win64” region. How can I install the game? Can you help me?

Kind regards


This is just a notepad where I pasted the Command line template I have copied from the Developer Portal (previous step in the video).
The Build Patch Tool is a tool to upload your build to our servers so we can distribute it through the Epic Games Launcher (and Store).
To install the game you will need to redeem a key that will give you access to the game on the Launcher.
How to generate Keys : https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/epic-games-store/publishing-tools/publishing-process/access-keys
How to redeem Keys : https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_TechnicalSupport/c-TechnicalSupport_GeneralSupport/how-do-i-redeem-a-code-to-my-epic-games-account-a000084732

Kind regards

I fixed some bugs in my game which is already on the epic games store and I would like to update it but I don’t know exactly how to proceed. Specifically, I used project launcher to package. I checked the following settings:

build configuration: Shipping
Cook: Windows
Release/DLC?patching : Compress content, Save packages without versions/Store all content in a single file/Encrypt ini files
Package: Include an installer for prerequisites of packaged games / Make a binary config file for faster runtime startup times
I used the build patch tool for the upload.

Can I update without having to reload the whole game? From what I understand, this can be done with a patch, but I haven’t found anything concrete.

Thank you!
Arnold Popescu