Tutorial: how to setup and control two characters simultaneously for one player

Hi Everyone…

I have been experimenting with creating a game where I control two characters at once. It took me a while to figure this one out, so I have created a tutorial to help others that might be struggling with the same problem…

Part1. Setup and spawning the characters

Part2. Controlling the characters

Cheers !

Wouldn’t think it would be this easy to control two characters. Thanks a lot for the tutrial.

I have also added a third tutorial in this series. This one describes how get a reference the two characters in the level blueprint, and how to control the camera to point in the middle of the two characters.

cheers !

Hi guys, do you know why this tutorial doesn’t work anymore?

the second character spawns, but dont receives inputs…

thanks in advance

Have the same issue. I am not sure what MyPlayerController1 is doing as the world settings only reference to MyPlayerController2