Forgive me, I am not sure where to place this question, I’m new to the community. But, I am hoping someone might be able to help me. I’ve been working on a Space Combat game and I wanted to know if there are any tutorials or blueprints for targeting enemy subsystems, like what you would see in games like Star Trek: Bridge Commander and Homeworld? If anyone could point me in the right direction, I’d be grateful. Thanks!
Greetings @SirWethington! Let’s see what we can do here.
Your inquiry can be solved in a variety of ways, as targeting system on an enemy ship could involve remote hacking, direct damage to a specific part of the vessel, or using weapon with an EMP like effect. Once you have settled on that, it will be easier to create the necessary functions for the effect.
Since you are just starting, I would also suggest following space combat guides from the beginning. These tutorials have been useful for my own projects, please check this playlist.
Thank you for your reply. I would like to implement a system that applies direct damage to a subsystem which then shuts down various abilities on an enemy vessel; things like destroying the shield generator takes down shields or destroying the sensors prevents an enemy from returning fire. As for how it would work, a drop-down menu that the player can select from the enemies subsystems to target. I’ve seen a few tutorials on how to create ui elements but I was hoping if there were any tutorials out there for such a thing.