Tutorial: Creating MetaSound Nodes in C++ Quickstart

This is a quickstart guide for making new types of MetaSound Nodes through C++ code.



I just get the error:
Cannot open include file: ‘MetasoundExecutableOperator.h’: No such file or directory

Found this template on the Facebook audio group, maybe it helps paint the full picture:

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You probably need to add the relevant Metasound module to your project’s .build.cs file. Something like:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]
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@lantz.anna Any possibility of updating this tutorial for Unreal 5.1? I’m walking through it block-by-block and the very first block fails to work as expected because some of the types have been moved into the Metasound:: namespace.

There may be more incompatibilities… I’ve not gone through the full tutorial yet…

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Hi I cant seem to create a new meta sound node to work

im in 5.3.1 and i keep having troubles with namespaces

Creating library C:\Users\tgall\Documents\Unreal Projects\AudioMixPlug\Plugins\MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin.patch_14.lib and object C:\Users\tgall\Documents\Unreal Projects\AudioMixPlug\Plugins\MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin.patch_14.exp
Module.MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “class FName const Metasound::StandardNodes::Namespace” (?Namespace@StandardNodes@Metasound@@3VFName@@B)
Module.MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “class FName const Metasound::StandardNodes::AudioVariant” (?AudioVariant@StandardNodes@Metasound@@3VFName@@B)
C:\Users\tgall\Documents\Unreal Projects\AudioMixPlug\Plugins\MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin.patch_14.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved

Everythgin seems to compile until I use the line METASOUND_REGISTER_NODE(FTutorialNode);

my build.cs file contains

		new string[]
			// ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ...
		new string[]
			// ... add private dependencies that you statically link with here ...	

My Plugin file to hold the meta sounds

“FileVersion”: 3,
“Version”: 1,
“VersionName”: “1.0”,
“FriendlyName”: “MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin”,
“Description”: “”,
“Category”: “Other”,
“CreatedBy”: “”,
“CreatedByURL”: “”,
“DocsURL”: “”,
“MarketplaceURL”: “”,
“SupportURL”: “”,
“CanContainContent”: true,
“IsBetaVersion”: false,
“IsExperimentalVersion”: false,
“Installed”: false,
“Modules”: [
“Name”: “MyCustomMetaSoundPlugin”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “Default”

    "Plugins": [


        "Name": "Metasound",

        "Enabled": true




cant seem to get my head around this atall…

am i missing somehting extremly obvious

my cpp

include “MetasoundExecutableOperator.h” // TExecutableOperator class
include “MetasoundPrimitives.h” // ReadRef and WriteRef descriptions for bool, int32, float, and string
include “MetasoundNodeRegistrationMacro.h” // METASOUND_LOCTEXT and METASOUND_REGISTER_NODE macros
include “MetasoundStandardNodesNames.h” // StandardNodes namespace
include “MetasoundFacade.h” // FNodeFacade class, eliminates the need for a fair amount of boilerplate code
include “MetasoundParamHelper.h” // METASOUND_PARAM and METASOUND_GET_PARAM family of macros

// Required for ensuring the node is supported by all languages in engine. Must be unique per MetaSound.
#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE “MetasoundStandardNodes_MetaSoundTutorialNode”

namespace Metasound
// Vertex Names - define your node’s inputs and outputs here
namespace TutorialNodeNames
METASOUND_PARAM(InputAValue, “A”, “Input value A.”);
METASOUND_PARAM(InputBValue, “B”, “Input value B.”);

	METASOUND_PARAM(OutputValue, "Sum of A and B", "The sum of A and B.");

// Operator Class - defines the way your node is described, created and executed
class FTutorialOperator : public TExecutableOperator<FTutorialOperator>
		// Constructor
			const FFloatReadRef& InAValue,
			const FFloatReadRef& InBValue)
			: InputA(InAValue)
			, InputB(InBValue)
			, TutorialNodeOutput(FFloatWriteRef::CreateNew(*InputA + *InputB))

		// Helper function for constructing vertex interface
		static const FVertexInterface& DeclareVertexInterface()
			using namespace TutorialNodeNames;

			static const FVertexInterface Interface(

			return Interface;

		// Retrieves necessary metadata about your node
		static const FNodeClassMetadata& GetNodeInfo()
			auto CreateNodeClassMetadata = []() -> FNodeClassMetadata
				FVertexInterface NodeInterface = DeclareVertexInterface();

				FNodeClassMetadata Metadata
					FNodeClassName { StandardNodes::Namespace, "Tutorial Node", StandardNodes::AudioVariant }, 
					1, // Major Version
					0, // Minor Version
					METASOUND_LOCTEXT("TutorialNodeDisplayName", "Tutorial Node"),
					METASOUND_LOCTEXT("TutorialNodeDesc", "A simple node to demonstrate how to create new MetaSound nodes in C++. Adds two floats together"),
					{ }, // Category Hierarchy 
					{ }, // Keywords for searching

				return Metadata;

			static const FNodeClassMetadata Metadata = CreateNodeClassMetadata();
			return Metadata;

		// Allows MetaSound graph to interact with your node's inputs
		virtual FDataReferenceCollection GetInputs() const override
			using namespace TutorialNodeNames;

			FDataReferenceCollection InputDataReferences;

			InputDataReferences.AddDataReadReference(METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(InputAValue), InputA);
			InputDataReferences.AddDataReadReference(METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(InputBValue), InputB);

			return InputDataReferences;

		// Allows MetaSound graph to interact with your node's outputs
		virtual FDataReferenceCollection GetOutputs() const override
			using namespace TutorialNodeNames;

			FDataReferenceCollection OutputDataReferences;

			OutputDataReferences.AddDataReadReference(METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(OutputValue), TutorialNodeOutput);

			return OutputDataReferences;

		// Used to instantiate a new runtime instance of your node
		static TUniquePtr<IOperator> CreateOperator(const FCreateOperatorParams& InParams, FBuildErrorArray& OutErrors)
			using namespace TutorialNodeNames;

			const Metasound::FDataReferenceCollection& InputCollection = InParams.InputDataReferences;
			const Metasound::FInputVertexInterface& InputInterface = DeclareVertexInterface().GetInputInterface();

			TDataReadReference<float> InputA = InputCollection.GetDataReadReferenceOrConstructWithVertexDefault<float>(InputInterface, METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(InputAValue), InParams.OperatorSettings);
			TDataReadReference<float> InputB = InputCollection.GetDataReadReferenceOrConstructWithVertexDefault<float>(InputInterface, METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(InputBValue), InParams.OperatorSettings);

			return MakeUnique<FTutorialOperator>(InputA, InputB);

		// Primary node functionality
		void Execute()
			*TutorialNodeOutput = *InputA + *InputB;


	// Inputs
	FFloatReadRef InputA;
	FFloatReadRef InputB;

	// Outputs
	FFloatWriteRef TutorialNodeOutput;

// Node Class - Inheriting from FNodeFacade is recommended for nodes that have a static FVertexInterface
class FTutorialNode : public FNodeFacade
		FTutorialNode(const FNodeInitData& InitData)
			: FNodeFacade(InitData.InstanceName, InitData.InstanceID, TFacadeOperatorClass<FTutorialOperator>())

// Register node



Ive also been through Aarons tutorial for the pitch shifter , Same Issues…

Hi my friend , I want create my custom node and use custom data type instead float , but this type can`t reflect correspond widget . Should I make-up anywhere?

Curve is my variable of custom type like WaveTableBank.