Tutorial Compilation List

Just a thread to share useful tutorials! Please feel free to contribute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Will be using the following template to post so things are searchable for future reference and easier for everyone to find!

Topic: 5 Minute Materials
Link : Prismatica Dev - 5 Minute Tutorial Playlist on Youtube
Tags : materials, vertex normal ws, fresnel, node, world align, texture, auto-cliffs

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Topic: General Unreal Engine tutorials
Link: Cleverlike Unreal Engine Tutorials

Topic: General Fortnite Creative tutorials
Link: Cleverlike FNC Tutorials

Topic: General UEFN tutorials
Link: Dev Community Page
Link: Intro to UEFN (beginner tutorials)

Tags: materials, importing, modeling, sculpting, pro-tips, audio, cameras, events, functions, blueprint, intro to UEFN, beginner, tutorials


Yay thank you so much for posting these here! I think having one place for everyone to look for tutorials will be super handy! :blush:


Great idea, Hayley :heart_eyes:! I def agree about PrismaticaDev! I’ve watched a LOT of UE materials tutorials, and PrismaticaDev is my favorite teacher. I love how they explain the reasoning behind the instructions.

Topic: Niagara Particle VFX
Link: PrismaticaDev - Niagara Particles for Beginners Playlist on YouTube
Tags: VFX, Niagara, particles, emitter, fire, sparks, smoke, sparkle, explosion

Topic: 3D modeling tools in UE5 / UEFN (UEFN’s modeling tools are nearly identical to UE5’s)
Link: Ryan Schmidt - RMS’s UE5 Modeling Tutorials Playlist on YouTube
Tags: 3D modeling, polygroups, polyedit, PolyEd, UV

Topic: Materials and Post-Processing
Link: Ben Clowder’s YouTube Channel
Tags: materials, shaders, post-processing, post-process


Topic: Using Control Rigs in UE
Link: https://youtu.be/y2WzNvJZk0E
Tags: Control Rig, Animation, Baking Animation
Note: Was able to follow this same process, for the most part, to get a character setup in UEFN. There was a small difference but the outcome worked well enough.


Topic: PBR Materials

Tags: Materials, PBR, Physically based material

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This series is built to help ABSOLUTE beginners with Unreal Engine. It focuses on navigation in the viewport and working with assets and actors in a level. We developed it in conjunction with Epic. It comes with a free project, video tutorials, PDF walkthroughs, and hit us up when you have questions.

By playing with built-in features such as the Chaos fracture system, physics simulation, Niagara, Metasounds, Modeling tools, and materials, users will walk away with assets that can be used outside this project and outside of Unreal Engine.

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