Tutorial code for SpawnActor not working? Alternative?

This is concerning a tutorial on this wiki

Specifically, this part isn’t working for me:

In the tutorial, these lines are added in a class declaration

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Projectile)
TSubclassOf<class AFPSProjectile> ProjectileClass;

This is the tutorial function which instantiates the projectiles

void AFPSCharacter::OnFire()
        // try and fire a projectile
        if (ProjectileClass != NULL)
            // Get the camera transform
            FVector CameraLoc;
            FRotator CameraRot;
            GetActorEyesViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
            // MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the camera to find the final muzzle position
            FVector const MuzzleLocation = CameraLoc + FTransform(CameraRot).TransformVector(MuzzleOffset);
            FRotator MuzzleRotation = CameraRot;
            MuzzleRotation.Pitch += 10.0f;          // skew the aim upwards a bit
            UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
            if (World)
                FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
                SpawnParams.Owner = this;
                SpawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;
                // spawn the projectile at the muzzle
                AFPSProjectile* const Projectile = World->SpawnActor<AFPSProjectile>(ProjectileClass, MuzzleLocation, MuzzleRotation, SpawnParams);
                if (Projectile)
                    // find launch direction
                    FVector const LaunchDir = MuzzleRotation.Vector();

I tried to adapt this a little bit and I wonder where I’m going wrong. When I try to instantiate, nothing happens. At all.

I wrote this:

//.h file

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Weapon)
TSubclassOf<class ARockWeapon> RockWeapon;

//.cpp file
std::vector<ARockWeapon*> rocks;
void AHero::UseWeapon(){
	if (RockWeapon){
		FActorSpawnParameters params;
		params.Owner = this;
            parans.Instigator = Instigator;
		ARockWeapon* const someone = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ARockWeapon>(ARockWeapon, this->GetActorLocation(), this->GetActorRotation(), params);

I did reference the RockWeapon in the BP. There might be typo mistakes because I typed this from memory but that should be the gist of it. It compiled fine, the bindings worked, it’s just that nothing happened. No errors messages or anything.

If the tutorial is outdated, how would I best go about instantiating projectiles? I eventually got it to work like this but I think I’m unnecessarily jumping through hoops:

//.h file

ARockWeapon* ptr;

//.h file of projectile

ARockWeapon* get_pointer() { return this; }

//.cpp file

void AHero::BeginPlay()
	for (TActorIterator<ARockWeapon> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
		ptr = ActorItr->get_pointer();

void AHero::UseWeapon(){
	if (ptr != nullptr){
		FActorSpawnParameters params;
		params.Template = ptr;
		ARockWeapon* someone = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ARockWeapon>(ptr->GetClass(), params);

I would then put one projectile into the scene so I could get a pointer through the iterator.

Sorry, this can be marked as answered. Here’s how it works → Spawn Actor/Object from code - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums