[Tutorial] Base HUD class

While working on the UI of Switch I noticed that HUD blueprints can become a bit messy. The way we do it in Switch is a HUD for the game that holds “main widgets” (scoreboard, ingame menu, game hud etc). Creating, managing and switching those widgets are the cause of the messy blueprint.

So that’s why I created a simple C++ base class for HUDs. The class has a map that holds a name for the main widget and a reference to the widget.

All the functions are blueprintcallable so we can use them from the derived blueprint.

#pragma once
#include "GameFramework/HUD.h"
#include "SBaseHUD.generated.h"
class UUserWidget;
class SHOOTER_API ASBaseHUD : public AHUD
    /** Adds a widget to the map */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MainWidget")
    void AddMainWidget(const FString& Name, UUserWidget* Widget);
    /** Creates the widget of the WidgetClass ands adds it to the map */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MainWidget")
    void CreateAddMainWidget(const FString& Name, UClass* WidgetClass, APlayerController* PlayerController);
    /** Removes the current widget from the screen and set the new one */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MainWidget")
    bool SetCurrentMainWidget(const FString& Name);
    /** Get a widget reference using a name */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MainWidget")
    UUserWidget* GetCurrentMainWidget(const FString& Name) const;
    /** The map with references to all widgets */
    TMap<FString, UUserWidget*> MainWidgets;
    /** The current widget */
    UUserWidget* CurrentMainWidget;


#include "Shooter.h"
#include "SBaseHUD.h"
#include "Blueprint/UserWidget.h"
    CurrentMainWidget = nullptr;
void ASBaseHUD::AddMainWidget(const FString& Name, UUserWidget* Widget)
    if (!MainWidgets.Find(Name))
        MainWidgets.Add(Name, Widget);
void ASBaseHUD::CreateAddMainWidget(const FString& Name, UClass* WidgetClass, APlayerController* PlayerController)
    UUserWidget* Widget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(PlayerController, WidgetClass);
    if (!Widget)
    AddMainWidget(Name, Widget);
bool ASBaseHUD::SetCurrentMainWidget(const FString& Name)
    UUserWidget* Widget = *MainWidgets.Find(Name);
    if (Widget)
        if (CurrentMainWidget)
        CurrentMainWidget = Widget;
    return true;
UUserWidget* ASBaseHUD::GetCurrentMainWidget(const FString& Name) const
    return CurrentMainWidget;

Below you can see an example of creating and adding two different types of UserWidgets in the derived blueprint. After that one is set as current using the name.

Tip: Don’t “hardcode” the names like I did. Store them somewhere.

I hope someone can use this. Let me know if you have questions, feedback or if something is not working!

Originally posted on my blog