Turret C++ Plugin

Modular Mortar C++ Plugin [HR][/HR]Mortar Plugin allows creating Mortar Gun with basic functionalities like firing as quickly as possible. This plugin is developed mainly using C++ which handles most of the functionality and neatly exposes features to blueprint to avoid creating complex code in blueprints. Users can easily add particle effects, sound effects. This plugin also contains a proper Health Damage system which can be added to any other actor also.Users can then just drag and drop the mortar into the game which then will be ready to shoot.


Features: [HR][/HR]

  • Modular Pawn which contains all the components and allows setting up own meshes.
  • Mortar Projectiles allows us to set up particles, sound. Allows specifying your own Projectiles actor also.
  • Allows to set up audio for spawning projectile or for hitting a surface.
  • Team System Present to allow having a team for each Mortar that can also be added to any actor.
  • Proper Health Damage system which can also be added to any actor.
  • Behavior Tree Tasks for shooting in C++.
  • Many Parameters including Rotation speed, Elevation speed, Elevation Min Max angle, firing speed, reload speed, and many more present to change behavior as needed.
  • Everything properly documented.

Project Overview: [HR][/HR]
**Video- **

](1 Project Overview | Mortar Unreal Engine 4 Plugin - YouTube)

Documentation - https://finalrockstar-mortarplugin-ue4.netlify.app/

Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis…4qnWhUF0TKK-jD

Grab it Here](Modular Turret C++ Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace) :slight_smile:

Change Log Version 2: [HR][/HR]

  • Better Mortar Meshes Included
  • More Projectiles
  • Niagara Effects Support(Also Contains Niagara effects in the plugin)
  • Bug Fixed related to shooting nearby objects
  • More Audio Support
  • More than 1 Projectile spawning support.
  • Better Materials.
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

In-Game Overview](Modular Turret C++ Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)