Turnkey does not return SDK status

4.26 can package my level with no problems, but 5 EA2 has no SDK installed, and when I try to install it says the devices SDK status was not returned by turnkey. I can’t figure out how to fix this.


The project launcher looked like this:



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ah ha, I am literally going through the first project tutorial as I type, but noticed the same thing. How I fixed it was go to tools->project launcher and hit the launch this profile button

[icon with controller in front of a screen.]

it then tried to go through the process, but gave me more detailed information about a missing .net core SDK that was not installed.

I selected the line that mentioned the url, copied it into a browser and installed the desktop SDK and retried the process.

Now when I look in the package content, I can see the SDK

If that doesn’t solve the issue – I have no idea.




when I run my Project Launcher it doesn’t seem to give any additional info: