Turning in Animation Blueprint

Good Morning! so im setting up an animbp for a dog, i have all the required anims ( idle, walk, run, walk left, walk right etc) i currently have the anim bp event graph set up to update the speed and direction, and in the dogs bp i have a simple ai move to random location thing set up, my question is, how/where do i set up the turning anims? cos at present, the dog, goes to a location, then snap turns, and walks to the other random location. i have searched ALOT and not found a solution, so hopefully someone can assist me :slight_smile: thanks so much for your time! :slight_smile: Nate

Hey @Nate1232!

Check out this non-Epic affiliated tutorial for turn in place animations:

I hope the above is the solution you need!

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Hey man,just at work,ill check when i get home,will that work with an AI thats roaming on its own? :slight_smile:

Hey @Nate1232!

In theory a similar setup should work for your AI, but that depends on how your AI/blueprints are set up to function. And this is only turn in place, if you are wanting something else like 8 directional movement there are other options.