Hello. I am trying to setting the Player Character on and off fire with the same button while also turning on and off the audio for the fire. I’ve managed to get the fire to turn on and off but I can’t get the audio to cut off along with the fire.
I’m under the understanding that if it is true that the fire is off, then the audio should stop. That’s why I have it like that. I’ve tried several different options and ways to end the audio when the fire is cut off but the one in the provide picture was just the last example I tried.
I’m not 100% sure you can cut off a sound mid play without it being a sound cue. so that’s a up in the air for me but you have a lot more issues here before that.
So I went and Photo shopped you some visuals to help ya out.
Please understand I am not trying to be mean here just trying to help you learn. If i just give you the answer then you don’t learn where ya went wrong.
@Exonfluxx Hey, thanks. I normally follow tutorials as I work but this was an idea I was working on alone and for some reason, I couldn’t set up a branch at start when i first kept trying, But with your help, I’ve finally managed to set it up right like this in the picture below.
Certainly looks cleaner than my previous set up for sure. I’m all about learning how to do it properly so I really appreciate the help. No worries about sounding mean.