Hello. I have the problem that I have no clue on how to blend my normal Motion State, which has a blend space driven by a speed variable to blend with an animation that shows the character stopping from running. I have the same problem with the turning animations. I need to blend from my normal motion state to a turning animation but I have no Idea on how to do that. (Everything in Third Person)
For cleanliness:
- Motion State which has a blendspace driven by a speed variable has 3 animations. (0 = Idle, 200 = walking, 800 = running)
- Still turning animations, which need to be played when the character is still and something like ‘‘walkbackwards’’ was pressed.
- Stop from running animation, which needs to be played when the character is running at 800 speed and ‘‘walkforwards’’ isn’t pressed anymore.
All animations have root motion, and I also tried doing somethings with montages, but found out it wasn’t really clean and didn’t really work out well. Would be nice if someone could give me a tutorial or a manual on how to accomplish these things.