So I’ve been messing with this for hours via Blueprints. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make the Actor’s rotation gradually become the same as Player/Camera rotation, and every implementation I’ve tried (mostly messing with all the rotation stuff I could find) failed miserably, resulting in a jittering, spastic mess whenever I’d change the camera angle during testing.
I’ve since removed the problematic blueprints, and I’ve posted image examples of where I’m at right now, and what I’d like the result to be.
The most jarring issue that I’ve found is that the character will, if the turn rate is slow enough, walk in a given direction but turn abysmally slow - which is not what I want. I’d prefer if I could make it so that character turn rate affects the arc/rotation cycle they are required to make before turning to a desired angle and continuing on. This is meant to be reminiscent of Dota and Dark Souls/Bloodborne, where turn rate plays an actual mechanical role in those games. Alternatively think of how chariots or cars turn. That’s also similar to the desired effect.