Turn on light with 3 switches

I’m trying to create a puzzle where I need to turn on three switches so that the light in the room turns on, if anyone can help me I’ll be grateful

I’m using an unreal 5.1

One way you can achieve this outcome is by creating three variables; one for each light switch. Then you can assign an event to keep track of which light switch has activated, depending on the prerequisites to activating each switch.


Hey @EhOpranD! Welcome to the Forums!

To add on a bit more to what @Leomerya12 explained above, you can also use Blueprint Interfaces to accomplish the messaging between your light switches and your light, keeping things neat and tidy and also making the puzzle itself reusable if you wanted to use it again. For example:



Light Switch:


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Thanks guys, but it was a little confusing for me, I confess that I’m quite a beginner at this, I ended up not really understanding how to do it

I’ll leave here a print of the system I made following some tutorials

The problem is that I can only make the lamp turn on using one switch, and what I want is for the character to need to turn on three switches (in no specific order) to turn on the lamp.

light switch:


Hey @EhOpranD

I suggest a different approach.

This is the switch:

This is the lamp:

Binded function:

In case you have any doubts:

Hope it helps.

Thank you everyone, I ended up finding a way to do it without having to change a lot of things I had already done

First I created three different switches each with a variable (turn on, turn on 2, turn on 3)

then I put the AND to check if the three variables were active, if so, the lamp turns on

I know that all the tips here could help me for possible future events, you helped a lot. Thanks

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