So I have a system that handles pawn actor rotation for my character, and it is based on a limited turn in place system (based on actor rotation difference from control rotation) when standing still and an interpolation to control rotation when walking or running.
Basically what this looks like is when standing still, the camera, driven by control rotation, can go from +/- 60 degrees yaw offset from the actor forward direction, and when it passes that 60 degree threshold, it finds the yaw difference between the control and actor such that it drives actor rotation so that it is about 59 degrees offset from whatever the control rotation is.
When moving, I interpolate the actor rotation to the control rotation so that the character is always facing the direction of the camera when moving.
This all works perfectly, until I bring in weapons (in a true first person style), where when I begin to walk with any offset at all between actor and control rotation, the upperbody seems to rotate in the same direction as the actor needs to in order to align with control rotation, leading to the upperbody to over rotate in a snapping fashion on move, which is very irritating and undesirable. Basically it should be smooth.
Video shows the rotations working correctly without an aim offset (I have similar issues using a regular aim offset) and then shows the aim solver working but with snapping issues on move.