Movement Controls
Look/Turn: Mouse XY
Direction: WASD
As seen in the GIF… movement is more or less fine except when not moving and using the mouse to look(turn) left or right. The turn/look works fine only when moving. My first thought was the blendspace but i must be missing something because from what i can see it all checks out. Turn in place anims are there. fresh set of eyes and mind care to help?
It’ll be hard to debug without some screenshots of your turn-in-place system.
Deeper context would be that this is using the Survival Game Kit v2. Only anim related changes was a retarget to a different Skeleton. Ive been through that process a few times and never had a problem.
Here is the Turn in Place function. In AnimBP
From Player Character BP.
… maybe lets start with applying the correct rotation to the root bone?
Obviously, you picked the incorrect axis…
hmm ok. It wouldn’t make sense if the axis is incorrect because the turn right/left anims still play when moving. WASD is used for strafe/forward/backward. Mouse for looking.
Id like to mention that I have a jump animation also and
Ok its fixed. Just went for it and changed the yaw to the pitch. Still doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Thank you all for the help
AnimBP>AnimGraph> Base upper and lower anims
AnimBP>AnimGraph>AO and Hand IK
It could have to do with about thousand things…
From a custom model that was imported via blender and had the bone rotated, to invalid retargeting.
If you really want to change it (may help later on) check the skeleton and figure out why its oriented incorrectly.
Also, the pitch wasnt the pitch but a roll according to the video you shared.
On a hunch, check to see if you can define axis for roll/pitch/yaw in the details of the rotate root bone node.
I mean, in theory you should be able to without modifying the skeleton…