Hi my name is JP and I’ve been lurking the forums for some time trying to gather as much information as possible about the Unreal Engine and its capabilities. I have decided to go ahead and utilize a game design I have had for a while and make it come alive using UE4. I am just getting into blueprints and animation but still have a long way to go, therefor I would like to hire an experienced programmer (or someone very proficient in blueprints) as well as a 3D artist to develop a demo for the game. Eventually releasing onto Steam Greenlight and most likely the kickstarter community. If the odds are in our favor, a funded campaign will allow me to develop the full game and hopefully bring back the team that started it (If you haven’t moved onto other projects).
I’m interested in the rates and prices in the community and have no issue paying for quality. This is not a big project by any means as I mentioned only a demo is needed to test the market and provide proof of concept (As well as balancing and testing). Also not that it is not a RTS, top down, or tile/hex based game, it just uses elements from turn-based games. Further information will be provided once contacted.
Thank you,
Edit: My email: jpetes@ymail.com