TryLoadClass returns null


My goal is to show a popup on top of everything when a disconnection occurs.
I was able to successfully do it with Unreal 4.27. Now, I need to make it happen on the version 4.12.

I changed FSoftClassPath to FStringClassReference basically and tried to call the TryLoadClass method of it.
In version 4.12, it returns a null.
I tried to step in the engine code and it seems it is unable to create a linker.

Here is the code to show the popup. This exact code works (runs and show the popup) with 4.27 and compiles on both 4.12 and 4.27.

void FClassNamePluginModule::TryShowConnectionLostPopup()
    if (!m_showConnectionLostPopup)

    UGameInstance* gameInstance = nullptr;
    TArray<APlayerController*> playerList;
    if (playerList.Num() > 0)
        gameInstance = playerList[0]->GetGameInstance();
    else if(GEngine->GetWorld() != nullptr)
        gameInstance = GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance();
    if (gameInstance == nullptr)

    FString path(L"WidgetBlueprint'/PluginName/Blueprints/UBP_WidgetNotification.UBP_WidgetNotification_C'");
    FStringClassReference notificationClasstRef(path);
    FSoftClassPath notificationClasstRef(path);

    UClass* notificationClass = notificationClasstRef.TryLoadClass<UUserWidget>();
    if (notificationClass)
        FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, LOCTEXT("ThirdPartyLibraryError3", "DC 3"));
        UUserWidget* notificationWidget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(gameInstance, notificationClass);
        if (notificationWidget)
            FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, LOCTEXT("ThirdPartyLibraryError4", "DC 4"));
            m_showConnectionLostPopup = false;

Would you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Also, I checked the the notificationClasstRef variable is NOT null and Valid (called the method IsValid())

Thank you