Trying to work an ammo pickup system. I have hit a road block. Hoping for some help / insight

Hello everyone!

I’m hoping for some help with my project. Over the last few days I have put together a weapon system by using a Gun_Parent and then creating some children. I set CurrentAmmo and Ammomax within Gun_Parent. When I fire my guns ammo reduces and stops at zero. I have also created a simple hud. At this point I wanted to create Ammo pickups. My plan was to create different ammo for each gun and start working on some pickups. However, after an hour or so of tinkering around I was left scratching my head. How do I create different ammo types? How do I store and call them from the Gun_parent? I am stumped.

make an Enum and add all the ammo types you need, after that make a Struct and add that Enum to it.

make a new variable struct in your pickup ammo actor you created and set it’s values.

if this is not enough, I could make a dummy example, but show me your blueprints so I could give you a closer example.