I am working on trying to use the worldspacetexture node with the existing functionality of the prototype material.
I got this far but cant figure out how to have the quivalent of the UV input for the texture object
I am new to all things materials so I am sorry If i explained it wrong or its a simple solution.
You basically use the ‘texture size’ pin on the node to match the UV size of the normal nodes. But be aware, that something that is size 1 with the normal nodes, is something more like 250 with the world aligned node.
Thank you! so when I put the r from the texture sample, it makes the material do this?
Is this relate to the size issue you were talkin about?

Er, nope 
You have to make a variable, and plug it in.
But what are you trying to do? I see that it already is a world aligned material ( from the box comment ).
So the goal is to have it work with other objects with the grid affect.
I have a tutorial map that uses prototype textures and I want it to tile with different objects so i dont have to align things for every object
It works now without the sub grid so it might be something I just settle on
this seems to be the issue now tho
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