Trying to use Splines with Zaks tutorial but with Meshes in Y-Axis

Hi there!

I completed the Spline twitch tutorial of Zaks with no problems but when i tried to use my static meshes for the roads i found they were 90 degrees out and my splines were lining up in the wrong direction i.e. the road markings were parallel and not lining up.

This was fixed by simply clicking on the AddSplineMesh component in the generator BP and choosing the forward axis to be Y.

But after doing this the generator starts with the track upright and even if i rotate it i can’t seem to build a track - as soon as i try and curve left or right it just crunches up on it self.

Im thinking its something to do with the Y-axis now being forward and i have to alter the blueprints somewhere to account for this but i wasn’t sure how.

Help please!
