Edit: Posting the solution at the top for anyone in the future who might run into this issue. The thing no one tells you is that you cannot have a mix of embedded and imported fonts. A single embedded font will destroy all your imported fonts. Also, some fonts will just work, and some won’t. I have not found any reason for this. If it looks like font embedding is not working, try a different font. Some common fonts that work for me are Times New Roman, Palatino Linotype, Tahoma, and Bitstream Vera Sans. If you can get one of those to work, then you’re doing it right.
I made two fla files named fonts_en.fla and gfxfontlib.fla. fonts_en.fla contains nothing in its library, but on its stage it has some text boxes filled with the glyphs in the fonts I want to use. One of them is Palatino Linotype. gfxfontlib.fla contains nothing on its stage, but its library contains several fonts that I export for runtime sharing. One of them is Palatino Linotype, which I named $Palatino in the font embedding window. From those fla files, I published fonts_en.swf and gfxfontlib.swf. I imported both into the editor.
In my game’s folder, RPGTac, I have Localization\INT, which contains the file GFxUI.int. That file contains these lines:
Palatino=Palatino Linotype
I copied Localization\INT\GFxUI.int to Localization\ENG\GFxUI.eng, leaving all the content the same.
I created another fla file, MainMenu.fla. I went to gfxfontlib’s library, copied the Palatino font which I had exported for runtime sharing under the name $Palatino, and pasted it into MainMenu’s library, where it has the name $Palatino and it is imported for runtime sharing from the file gfxfontlib.swf. MainMenu contains some buttons and text fields that use the $Palatino* font. I published MainMenu.swf in the same folder as gfxfontlib.swf and imported it into my game’s editor.
When I open the MainMenu swfMovie in my game, all of the buttons that use Palatino show up with boxes instead of letters. The log is full of these messages:
Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Palatino': Failed to find object 'Font None.Palatino'
Any idea what’s going wrong here?