I’m trying to get Apply Point Damage and Event Point Damage working but for some reason the event is never triggered. I’ve watched some tutorial videos but I can’t figure out what I’m missing.
The breakpoint on Apply Point Damage is being hit and I’ve checked it’s hitting my character, but the breakpoint on Event Point Damage is never triggered.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, if you need any more info please let me know.
I’m not on a computer powerful enough to run unreal, but I would try switching apply event point damage with just event apply damage. I have had trouble with event apply point damage before. I hope this helps.
I had a second look at your first image, and the actors with the "Unfriendly " tag is plugged into actors to ignore. I’m not sure if that is it, because like I said i’m not on a powerful computer, but I think that would stop it from trying to damage it.
I’m trying to get the ‘Unfriendly’ actor to apply damage to the player. I ignore actors with the ‘Unfriendly’ tag to stop the enemies from hitting each other. The player has a ‘Friendly’ tag and NOT the ‘Unfriendly’ tag. So my theory is that the line trace will hit the player but not other enemies if I ignore actors with the ‘Unfriendly’ tag. It’s definitely showing that the player has been hit. I’ve now added a “Has Authority” check at the beginning of the attack to make sure the Apply Point Damage is being executed on the server (as it says server only). When running 2 players I can only see the Line Trace draw on the server, so that seems to be correct. But the Event PointDamage is still not being triggered.
Thanks for your help but I’ve solved it now. I made a stupid mistake… I forgot to set the ‘BaseDamage’ variable on the ‘Unfriendly’ actor, so there was no damage to apply. Don’t know why I didn’t spot this sooner -_-