Trying to understand UI textures via Verse, does it not work?

I followed the steps found here in the texture section → Exposing Assets in UEFN to Verse

I imported a test texture, saved, rebuilt Verse code, I am still not able to access “MyTexture” when creating a “texture_block” widget, I assume I should just be able to access it by calling the name? I do not have the file, or at least I am not able to locate the " Assets.digest.verse" file, I have imported “using { / }”.

You’ll have to add this line to your UPLUGIN file in the project folder of already existing islands, if you haven’t already: "EnableVerseAssetReflection": true, .


Hey, i tried it but still cant see the Assets.digest.verse file.

Try restarting UEFN. And don’t forget the “using { / }” at the top of your device.

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