Hello I am trying to setup a multiple camera system using buttons on a widget, with clicking on a button switching between the cameras, According to the wiki the cameras have to be placed in the level blueprint and then called down. The problem is calling the camera from the level blueprint, the method suggested on the wiki doesn’t appear to work.
Here is a link to the blueprint and any help would be appreciated.
According to the wiki the cameras have
to be placed in the level blueprint
Not really, nothing stops you from spawning the cameras dynamically. But that’s not important. Lets assume you’ve already placed some cameras in the level.
The widget:
Level Blueprint:
Admittedly, there’s got to be half a dozen ways you can do it. There’s always another method.
Hello sorry I haven’t replied to this sooner, I forgot I posted this to an extent as soon afterwards I realized all I needed to do was move the character to the area required. so their was no need of a camera so sorry for wasting your time with this and thank you for trying to help.
I have attempted the blueprint you have shown and it didn’t appear to work, though that could be because of the first person camera not connecting with the others to the make array.
[…]I have attempted the blueprint you
have shown and it didn’t appear to
work, though that could be because of
the first person camera not connecting
with the others to the make array.
Shouldn’t matter. When it doubt you can always post a screenshot of the setup. There’s a chance someone will be able to poke holes in it and / or suggest another solution.
I realized all I needed to do was move
the character to the area required
Consider flagging it as resolved then, perhaps someone else will stumble upon it and find it useful.
Good luck with the rest!