Trying to render an imported car animation in the City Sample

Hi, I’m pretty new to Unreal and have a question about the City Sample project. I’m using Datasmith to import an animated vehicle from C4D.

It looks ok in the sequencer but does not move in the render. I have the vehicle working properly in other environments I’ve tried.

I’ve spent a silly amount of time looking for the answer to this. I know some people have struggled with certain issues with the city sample but haven’t found anything on this particular issue.

Many thanks.

Are you using movie render queue? and which version of the engine?

Hi, thanks for your reply. I’m using UE 5.1 and Ive attached the screenshot of the render queue. It has the map level and the sequence that is created by Datasmith when importing the vehicle animation. I have the vehicle working in another project using the same workflow so am wondering if its something specific to the city sample.

I haveing the same porblem so I adeed some cars (static Meshes not BP) to my sequyecner and animate them …everithing runs ok whne I hit play but when I sedn it or render the cars apear static…