Trying to read variable in other BP

Please forgive my ignorance. I have tried to understand getting the value of a variable from one BP to another, and none of the posts give a simple enough explanation for how to do it :frowning:
In my first sprite BP I have a variable, Colour, that is public, and starts off at 0. In the second, I have created a variable, BGColour, to reference the Sprite, and when I drag that into the Event Graph, I can then create a Target for the Sprite and get a Get Colour. Using print text in the first BP I can see the value of Colour is changing when I press the right button. However, using print text in the second BP I only get 0, and this doesn’t change. I also get the following error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property BGColour from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_WhiteLedgeSprite’ from node: Print Text in graph: EventGraph in object: WhiteLedgeSprite with description: Accessed None trying to read property BGColour

Finally did it, thanks to this Accessing Variable in Level Blueprint from other blueprint - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums