Trying to Program Battle Menu


I am currently attempting to recreate a battle menu from a video game (fossil fighters champions) that I will include reference images for. I’ve managed to figure out how to make the individual widgets I am trying to make, although there are a few individual issues I’m having there that I’m sure I can figure out with time. The trouble I am currently having is with the main battle menu. Essentially, the main battle menu will have four buttons that, when pressed will open each of the other widgets. The only issue is that they’re not tab buttons, they are floating buttons that have no background behind them.


Clicking on a button would then pull up a more traditional looking menu. I’m not trying to copy this EXACTLY, but this is just the general look for reference.

The issue I’m having is I have yet to find a tutorial on how to program a menu that doesn’t involve tabs or buttons within the same size screen as the original widget. Any help would be appreciated! Even if it’s just linking me to a tutorial on how to do this, I just have had no luck looking and looking for one myself.

I’m having difficulty understanding what you’re trying to achieve. Do you just want another menu widget to show up? You can just use Create Widget and Add To Viewport for that.

I’m a complete noob myself, but what your asking kinda sounds like something at least somewhat similar to what I was just doing

Check out this guy (he has a lot of good tutorial videos) at about 5hours 6minutes in is the “Creating the Buy Menu Widget” section.

Check that out see if that helps any

Also this may sound stupid but have you tried different Zorders and/or showing/hiding other things within the widget? Maybe that could work but I also don’t quite understand the question, I’m new myself, lol

Example you have your 4 buttons scaled down to whatever on a full screen widget, hide when clicked and make visible widget for clicked button “widget in a widget in a widget” etc

Oh hi alienrenders, thanks for helping on my question the other night, didnt quite get what I wanted to working but I got something functional at least for now!

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Glad to be of help. I’m still not quite sure what you need though. The guy in the tutorial creates a “Buy Menu”. Now, he drags it into his existing main HUD widget (at least I think it is, it fills the screen). You don’t have to drag it into a pre-existing widget like that. That can lead to a lot of clutter. You can just do what I said earlier. Call Create Widget and AddToViewport in your OnClick event for one of your buttons.

If you’re asking why it fills the viewport, that’s just the way viewport widgets work. So your menu widget will also have to fill the screen even though most of it will be transparent (or blurry as is the case in the video). Yes, it seems like a waste, but it’s not any slower. You can still split it up. You can design a smaller menu widget and then bring it into a larger one that fills the screen. But this makes getting events and variable from the child widget a bit more annoying to do.

Well now I feel a bit silly ha ha, yeah that’s exactly what I was trying to do. Not sure why I hadn’t connected those dots! I appreciate you telling me even though in hindsight it’s incredibly obvious ha ha