Trying to Package Project, Loads Wrong Map

Hi, i just tried to package my unreal project to see if it would work. I can package the project but when i try to start up the .exe that is in the Binaries/Win64 folder a new window appears that is completely black and the shuts down after a second or so.

I checked the log file and found this.

[2014.04.16-08.42.55:155]  0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Game/Maps/Example_Map'
[2014.04.16-08.42.55:155]  0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Game/Maps/Example_Map': Can't find file '/Game/Maps/Example_Map'
[2014.04.16-08.42.55:155]  0]LogWindows:Error: appError called: Failed to enter /Game/Maps/Example_Map: Failed to load package '/Game/Maps/Example_Map'. Please check the log for errors.
[2014.04.16-08.42.55:155]  0]LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The handle is invalid. (6)
[2014.04.16-08.42.56:048]  0]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===
[2014.04.16-08.42.56:048]  0]LogWindows: Failed to enter /Game/Maps/Example_Map: Failed to load package '/Game/Maps/Example_Map'. Please check the log for errors.

I’m currently using the FPS template that comes with unreal engine 4, but i deleted the example map because i thought it was unnecessary to keep around. I also changed what the default map is in the Maps and Modes project settings to my level instead of the example map.
Do you know if i missed something or did i mistake in deleting the example map?

After changing the default map, you need to click “Save as Default” for it to propagate to your packaged game.