Trying to modify a transform in runtime that has a zero vector as scale crashes the engine in DistanceFieldObjectManagement.cpp:872 with an index out of bound error (idx always seems to be -1)

It’s all in the title :slight_smile:

HI Temaran,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is this limited to one project?
  • What steps do you take to reproduce this on your end?
  • Is this in a c++ project or a blueprint project?
  • Is this a launcher or github build?
  • Can you post the crash logs so I can take a look? They are located at \Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\saved\logs\

Hi Temaran,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.

Hey there,

I thought I should comment since I had the exact same bug. It occurs in a fresh project but I am only in engine version 4.9.2 so I apologise if this has been fixed in later versions.

To replicate;

  1. Make a new actor blueprint
  2. Add a static mesh component and set its scale to 0,0,0
  3. From begin play set the relative scale of the component to 1,1,1
  4. Press play and it should crash.

[edit] Re-commented from correct account sorry!

Oh, hello !

I completely missed your reply, but I saw when mrcrocker responded here :slight_smile:

mrcrocker’s repro is correct for me too.
In my particular case I was running a c++ launcher binary project, but I suspect this occurs in all situations since it’s such a specific bug.

Unfortunately this was so long ago I don’t have any logs, but as it’s easy to repro it shouldn’t matter

Oh, hello !

I completely missed your reply, but I saw when mrcrocker responded here :slight_smile:

mrcrocker’s repro is correct for me too.
In my particular case I was running a c++ launcher binary project, but I suspect this occurs in all situations since it’s such a specific bug.

Unfortunately this was so long ago I don’t have any logs, but as it’s easy to repro it shouldn’t matter

Hi Temaran and mrcrocker,

Do you see this error occur in 4.10 or later? This may have already been fixed in a later engine build as I have not been able to reproduce this on my end thus far.

Hello there!

I’m running 4.10 now and I couldn’t repro it here. Might have been fixed then :slight_smile:


I’m happy to hear you are no longer experiencing this error in 4.10. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If this occurs again, please comment with updated information and reproduction steps.