Trying to Make a Looping Map

have a working prototype already, player can run around map, when they get close to the edge a streaming level loads in and once they cross into it they teleport to the other side. its fast and will be seamless.(my landscapes are slightly off and rn its 1:30 am and i cbf lining them up). video inc in a bit

DarkGodsLair - Thank You! And, you sure scared the Hell outta me with problems listing, haha :slight_smile: But seriously - thanks.
Ixicalibur - you really are going to try to make something like looping world? I better shut up my emotions right now… :slight_smile:

im uploading a video now, its very rough, doing this on my surface book 2 so the editor is running on a 4k screen. and my internet is crap because i live in Australia and we all have crap internet.
Anyway, basically, i have a height map that’s tillable, after import i copied it 4 times and placed it on north south east and west, then i cut out half of the landscape components on the outer sides because you will never get there. then i put each one into a streaming level and put 4 level volumes down to activate them only when needed. then i have 4 trigger volumes to teleport the player to the other side of the map while keeping the players rotation and location the same, just adding an offset to it. the effect is that you can run and jump and spin and cartwheel through the trigger and teleport keeping rotation and velocity.
vid will take around an hour to upload.
heres the link for when its done

ixicalibur, Thank You, this really looks something !! I appreciate that you took this call :slight_smile:

OK quick update, im still working on this, its just been a busy few days (doing a photogrammetry scan of a friend). while she’s been waiting for equipment setup each day, iv gotten her to beta test the level for me.
she found the first bug within 30 sec, just after teleport, if you do a 180 and walk away, you’re still in the trigger volume and can walk off the map. so iv added a second trigger on each side incase the player runs back.
actors placed in the world need to also be placed on the opposite teleport site, that works seamlessly.
terrain, well, im starting to hate terrain lol. my first attempt i couldn’t get the tiles to line up properly, so i grabbed the heightmap opened potatoshop and tiled it, cut out the centerpiece plus half again on all sides, as one big map, imported it, and it almost worked. it doesn’t tile properly (about a meter off). will test with a new heightmap later tonight to make sure im not just handicapped and didn’t tile it properly


Do you happen to know how Gears of War’s Train Wreck level was set up ?

i would bet it is a static train, with all game play done normally, then have all the environment scrolling past the player. sky box would be static too, just the closer elements need to move to create the illusion of movement.

Right, that’s clear as day. How to set up environments scrolling is as clear as mud unfortunately :frowning:

This is super! :slight_smile: I am to test anything like that, btw :slight_smile: Meanwhile, I myself experiment with simple flying AI behavior, and I kinda like how it is going: when I see how it looks, I think my subconsciousness has done some homework for me - that enemy does behave similar as flying attackers in “Terminal Velocity” :wink:

Hello! I wonder, is there maybe any condition testable something, that I could try to wrap around my experiments (or, vice versa)? I am not afraid if that crashes everything or goes crazy :slight_smile: Thanks…

hey man, i’ll upload the project later tonight when i get home, pretty much everything’s working, i just cant seem to get the height map to work nicely, it seems to be off no mater what i do

Exciting … ! :slight_smile:

iv’e placed a box above the terrain to demo that its “mostly working” :slight_smile: not to sure whats going on with the height map, i don’t know enough about the landscape system as a whole to create a perfectly tile-able one yet. iv got 2 main maps in there, first one is just one tile, second one has the streaming levels in it to save resources. i do have some other ideas to build this, i just kinda got sprung with this photogrammetry scan at the last min and haven’t had much time to play with this.

Thanks a millions for your efforts !! (whatever the results, I really appreciate!) Danng, i am at “falling asleep” mode right now… Meaning, proper testing most likely tomorrow. Just a quick thought/question - you say landscapes, height maps, but maybe static mesh level would be safer ? Anyway, this topic is alive, super… :slight_smile:

Okay, is my very first test video. In blueprint, changed references from player character to player pawn. Two notes to myself for now: 1) projectiles messes things up right now as it is (that is logical and was expected), 2) high speed traveling also messes things up. Real level won’t be that small anyway, so that is not a real issue.
video : ThunderGame - LoopLevel v001 - YouTube
I really go sleep now…
P.S.: I forgot, 3) - enabled spring arm camera lags gives bad visual effect on teleporting. In video I disabled camera lag.

I wonder, if this might become useful? This:

Is your map available for download?

Hello. Initial credits for this goes to ixicalibur, and there is already his example in this thread, post #36. But, speaking of my experiment, I actually have an idea. I might add such looping level to my (well, almost “my”) flyable ships pack that can be found :
I will post in this thread if/when i make such addition.

I am looking into this also, but I dont think it was a lost knowledge its just not a feature common to games these days. Games like Ghost Recon, Far Cry, or any open world game eventually has an end of the map so to say so looping a map is just a feature studios dont spend time on.