Trying to make a Dino specifically target Players

This is a little grey area for me, does anyone know a way I could achieve this?

I’ve never done this before - though you could start by looking at how existing dinosaurs do it.

For example, the Meganeura in the wild mostly seems to attack players. You can find their files in /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragonfly/ - specifically Dragonfly_AIController_BP. You could also look at Dragonfly_Character_BP where it calls the AI (there is a whole AI section). There are options in there where you can specify various attacks and thins like whether to prevent the attack on males, prevent the attack on females, only use with players, only use with players or riders, prevent when encumbered, etc etc etc.

In my limited experience I have found a lot of variables in the ARK Dev Kit don’t quite work as initially expected, but over time with a bit of trial and error it is possible to work them out. Hope this helps you get a little bit further along with your idea :slight_smile: