Trying to make a 3d fighter

So I’ve been using UE4 for a about 4-5 months and aside from all the mini projects I’ve done I really want to get into making a 3d fighter. Of course I youtube and googled but all I ever find are tutorials that show me fighting games that are side scrollers like Tekken but I want to go for something more like the Naruto Storm games or DragonBall Budokai Tenkaichi games. I’m not a total noob at this but my main concerns are 1 How to make combos and how to position players at the end of one (like lets say if the combo was done at the edge of a map then at the end of the combo both players are in the middle), 2 Mini cinematics like for example the way ultimate jutsus work in Naruto Storm games. I know it can be done in ue4 because Jump Force lol but any tutorials or something to help out would be great.