Trying to load Material with absolute path

Hi guys,
im trying to load Material of my Actor using FindObject and LoadObject. Reason for this is, that i want to have different material used based on its preferences that are initilised after its spawn. But the code that i created always causes the engine to crash.
Here is my:
.cpp file

    //Find or load specified Material

    StarMaterial = nullptr;

    //TCHAR materialLoc = TEXT("/Game/Materials/Galaxy/Class/%2s/%1d", Class, MaterialClass);

    if (Class != NULL && MaterialClass != NULL) {
        FString materialLoc = FString::Printf(TEXT("'/Game/Materials/Galaxy/Class/%s/%d"), Class, MaterialClass);
        StarMaterial = FindObject<UMaterialInterface>(NULL, TEXT("MaterialInstanceConstant'/Game/Materials/Galaxy/Class/M/3'"));
        if (StarMaterial) {
            SuperMesh->SetMaterial(0, StarMaterial);
        else {
            StarMaterial = LoadObject<UMaterialInterface>(NULL, TEXT("MaterialInstanceConstant'/Game/Materials/Galaxy/Class/M/3'"), NULL, LOAD_None, NULL);
            if (StarMaterial) {
                SuperMesh->SetMaterial(0, StarMaterial);

.h file

    UStaticMeshComponent* SuperMesh;

    UMaterialInterface* StarMaterial;

The FString materialLoc is there prepared for ability to change the path based on its Inputs, but its not now in use because i want to test the ability to load a material with hard set location, but it always crashes the engine once it loads. So im asking if someone doesnt sees there some error because i dont see it there.

PS: Sorry about my English syntax.

Perhaps you can try something like this

Have an in-line function for materials

template <typename ObjClass>
static FORCEINLINE ObjClass* LoadObjFromPath(const FName& Path)
    if (Path == NAME_None) return nullptr;

    return Cast<ObjClass>(StaticLoadObject(ObjClass::StaticClass(), nullptr, *Path.ToString()));

static FORCEINLINE UMaterial* LoadMaterialFromPath(const FName& Path)
    if (Path == NAME_None) return nullptr;

    return LoadObjFromPath<UMaterial>(Path);

And call it like this at runtime

FString sPath = "/Game/Materials/YourMat";

UMaterial* mat = LoadMaterialFromPath(FName(*sPath));

Thanks a lot, this is big help.

I’m trying to use this however I’m getting

Warning: Failed to find object 'Material None./Game/Materials/LavaPlanet'

It’s a material instance, not a material.
When I get the master material it works correctly does this only work with the material, not material instance?


Try writing UMaterialInstance their instead of UMaterial type