Trying to launch to android phone, get ERROR: Platform Android is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly

Hi, It’s been 2 days of troubleshooting and I have made no progress on solving my launch error of " ERROR: Platform Android is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly. "

I have reinstalled android studio a handful of times, restarted the computer, and reinstalled unreal.

Accept SDK License is grayed out.

I am launching to my Pixel 3 on Android 11.

I have no idea what is going wrong so if anyone can help please let me know!

Updates: I reinstalled the NDKs through the androidsetup and still no luck. Updated config image:

I have the issue solved so for anyone else who is having this error:

  1. I uninstalled all my android studio info and user settings
  2. I then followed this video exactly! 4.25 Installing & Building to Android (VR/AR/Mobile) UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube
  3. That gave me a new error when launching (cmd.exe failed with args) so if you get this as well then…
  4. The soluton here from TJ that has uninstalling build managers and installing just one, worked for me: ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

After all this, my app opened on my Pixel phone!