Trying to install Twinmotion for Revit 2023 but keep getting the message: Source file not found. See attached screenshot

Twinmotion error

Same, I am very frustrated. I have downloaded set up file 3 three times and it is still not working. Wasted so much time and effort. I have gone back to datasmith export, revit model is being exported into Twinmotion but not working well. My learning is that I am going back to Revit 2022 which works so much better with Twinmotion. I think Revit and Twinmotion need to work better to solve this bug.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and sorry to hear about the troubles with the installation. Would you be able to confirm you fully downloaded and unzipped the installer file?

Then check to make sure you have the permissions to read those files that were unzipped. You also need to be an administrator to be able to install it successfully.

If you are still having issues please contact us directly so we can best investigate. You can use the [ contact us ] button from the home page or by following this link:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hi @Vincent Boutaud​ I'm having the same problem as @Matthew Pickup​ can you tell me if there was a fix for this?

Hello ,

Thank you for the follow-up sorry to hear you are also experiencing this issue. If you followed my recommendations steps above and still experiencing the problem please contact us directly so we further investigate and troubleshoot this problem.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hi ,

I have followed all the steps above and can confirm that the file was successfully downloaded and readable upon expansion and also that I have administrator rights.

The same error is showing up

Can you tell me how to contact Epic games directly. I have tried to enter a case but it doesn't see to go anywhere.

Kind regards,


Hi , just wondering if you were able to work out how to install Twinmotion for Revit. I am having the same problem. Kind regards, Natasha

Hello ,

I was able to identify the issue @Natasha Avelange​ was having and it could be the same for you.

Would you be able to Extract/Unzip the contents from the downloaded zip file, once extracted open that folder and run the MSI installer from there. You can reference this video for further help on how to install it:

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

i have the same problem nobody helps , i cant work.

Hi Vincent,

Can you direct me how to contact your company directly about this issue. I can’t see how to create a case.

Kind regards

I have contacted Twinmotion twice about this issue and have not received any support as yet.

I got a reply from Twinmotion support, I managed to extract the files and installed Twinmotion for Revit setup however after I launched Revit 2023 and the Twinmotion icon is not being displayed under view tab. So one issue solved, the other still exists. Not sure what to do next.

Hello ,

Thank you for the follow-up and message. If you are not seeing the Twinmotion menu under the view tab in Revit 2023 it could be that you did not update to Revit 2023.1 could you check in the help > about Revit to confirm what version you are using?

Screenshot 2023-01-13 104336Screenshot 2023-01-13 104350

Hope this helps and looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

You won't believe it. Even with the Revit 2023.1 update installation, there is also error. But after a few search, I finally found a solution, so should be fine now. Thanks for your help.