Trying to Hide Stamina Bar when at 100%

Very new to UE5 and struggling with this part of the stamina bar. I’ve been able to get it to sprint to button press and drain properly. However, I cannot get it to disappear when full.

I’m attaching a screen shot of my attempt. I’m assuming I’m missing some pieces because no matter how I try it I still keep my bar all of the time.

I am a very spacial learner so screenshots/nodes > text.

Where/when are you calling HideStaminaBar?

also make sure you stamina is clamped or use >=
currently stamina over 100 will fail

I have max stamina set to 100 elsewhere. Is that good enough to fix the potential problem?

as long as you actually clamp it and as Solid said as long as your actually call the event when stamina changes :slight_smile: