Trying to get this sphere to animate

I’m a brand new BP baby here and I’m simply just trying to get a sphere to float that I’ll eventually turn into an enemy. I’ve spent a lot of time researching similar things and can’t understand why this isn’t working. It seems like the Get World Location or Get Actor Location isn’t working here.

Add a capsule collision, place sphere mesh at the top of it

Could also try turning off simulate physics/gravity

Okay so I just tried this. Adding the capsule collision didn’t seem to change anything and I have Simulate physics turned off for the sphere. Do I need to turn it off elsewhere? It still seems that Get World Location isn’t working, if I connect it to a print string nothing shows up.

To animate it in assuming you want it to have like a bobbing kind of motion? Use a get random location in radius node, save sphere components start location as a variable, use move component to node to move sphere to random location, on complete moveit back to start location, then just loop that with a new random location each time

Is your issue it’s falling through the ground?

No I have it just a little bit above the 0 Z plane and it’s not moving at all.

Turn it off for the capsul as well, make sure collision channel responses are set appropriately

Make the capsul the scene root also

Trying all of this hasn’t worked either.

find me on discord i can walk you through it over voice may be a bit easier : roflmaster.

I also just noticed that in your BP the tick and set location nodes are not connected, not sure if that is still like that

I’m at work right now and could only listen while I tinker with this. How should the event tick be connected to the set location?

Also to search for you on discord I’d need the #xxxx that comes after your name.

I tried with this error and the sphere did move down but then stopped.

thats it… just roflmaster.

They made some change on discord a while ago that it should be Roflmaster#xxxx. Your nickname might just be Roflmaster but the account name I need to search has the #xxxx.

Crazy. I didn’t know it could just be a .