Trying to get fracture floor to break with trigger box

I am creating a game level where I want a floor to break when the First person character walks through the trigger box. I created the fractured mesh, and have an explosion connected to the trigger box that I want to break the floor. When I pass through the trigger box the explosion goes off, but the floor stays. Since the fractured floor is not a static mesh I cannot plug it in to the event graph.
I turned ‘simulate physics’ off, because when it was on, the floor would break right away. I tried to put an anchor on it and it still broke before the character gets to the trigger box. Here is a Youtube link to the video I made going through what I have. I couldn’t get a photo to upload on here. I tried dragging and dropping and copying but it didn’t work. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I got the picture of my event graph up now. The area circled in red I believe is the problem, but I don’t know what to connect it too.

Dealing with Chaos destruction stuff can be super confusing and hard to troubleshoot. I’ve been working with it for years and still have issues that I can’t figure out/explain. Are you enabling the physics before you are applying any strain?

Granted you are requiring internal strain or any complexity in the destruction, another way you could do it is having a static mesh initial planted, then when the player enters the trigger, swap it for a geometry collection that is simulating physics.

You can create an actor blueprint that has both the static mesh (visible) and geometry collection (hidden), along with the trigger. When it is triggered, it makes the swap and then you can apply damage to the geometry collection to break it directly.